Upcoming Meetings/Events
Churchwide Easter Dinner, Wednesday, March 27th 5:00 pm, Children's Easter Egg Hunt 6pm
Community Lent Service, Thursday, March 28th noon at First UMC
Community Crosswalk, Friday, March 29th 10:00 am starts at First UMC
Community Good Friday Service, March 29th noon at Central
Easter Celebration Worship, Sunday, March 31st 11:00 am
Flea Market Fundraiser for Camp Tekoa April 20th and 21st
We need your treasures! As you begin spring cleaning please keep us in mind. We will begin collecting items March 18th. If you have items larger than a chair, we ask that you take a picture of your item and write a brief description. We will display these items at the yard sale instead of bringing large items into the church. Proceeds from the sale will help offset the cost of camp for our kids.
WOW Wednesday April 3rd
Join us this Wednesday as we grow in our love of God and each other. Come for dinner and stay for a small group.
5:15-6:00 Churchwide Dinner in the fellowship hall
6:00-7:00 Youth Bible Study, Children's Ministry , Adult Bible Study
7:00 Chancel Choir and Theology on Tap (men's group that meets at Southern Porch, next meeting is April 10th)
This week's supper host is Brittainy Crawford. The menu is Deli Sandwiches, Pasta Salad, Chips and Dessert. Please contact the church office by noon on Tuesday.
Backpack Ministry
Our backpack ministry is in desperate need of restocking. Each week, we, along with other churches, provide food for 62 students at North Canton Elementary School. We currently need microwavable pasta cups, small cans of beanie weenies and pudding cups. Thank you for your support of this ministry. Join us any Monday to pack bags at 9:30 in the fellowship hall.
Children's Sunday School Has Begun
We are so excited to share that we have Sunday School for our pre-k through 5th grade children! Starr Lankford is heading up this effort to provide another opportunity for our kids to experience the love of God and to hear the stories of our faith. Sunday School will be from 10:00-10:45 in the children's room the first floor of the education building. We will let you know has soon as we have a starting date. To help with preparations and/or with Sunday School, please contact the church office or Starr Lankford.
Easter Egg Hunt, March 27th @ 6pm
We will have an indoor Easter Egg hunt on Wednesday, March 27th! Invite your friends and join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus together! Donations of candy are needed. Please drop your candy off in the church office, narthex, or outside the fellowship hall.
Nursery Update
Starr Lankford has graciously offered to start a nursery to be held on the first Sundays of the month. The nursery will be from infants through kindergarten aged chidren. To fulfill our safe sanctuaries requirements, we need volunteers to be in the nursery with Starr. Please contact the church office to sign up.
Study of the Parables of Jesus
Starting April 3rd, Larry Roberts (retired UMC pastor) will lead a study on Wednesday evenings about the parables of Jesus. Join us on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 pm in the library.
United Women in Faith
Join us on April 11th at 10:00 a.m. when we will discuss the book "Daughter of Cana" by Angela Hunt. This novel follows Jesus' journey to Jerusalem after turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana. Copies of the book are available in the church library. Contact Bobbie Markham , Pat Dobbins or Virginia Miller with any questions. Please let us know you plan to come.
Graduate Recognition is May 5th
We will celebrate our preschool, high schools, college, graduate school, and anyone who has completed a certificate program since last year's recognition. If you know anyone in our church family who is graduating, please let the church office know.
Mark Your Calendars for Vacations Bible School August 1st-3rd!
Plans are beginning to be made for VBS this summer. There will be a planning meeting in April (date to be announced). There will be numerous ways for our church family to support this ministry. Let Starr Lankford, Jessica Igwe, or Aimee Aiken know if you are interested. There will be a VBS planning meeting on Sunday, April 14th at 12:30 pm. Please plan to attend.